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Nature vs Nurture - Twin Studies: Untangling the Genetic and Environmental Puzzle

Writer's picture: S AS A

Updated: Oct 14, 2024

In our previous blog posts, we explored the complex interplay between nature and nurture in shaping human traits and behaviors, thorugh the lens of 'Nativists' vs 'Empiricists'. We discussed the limitations of genetic determinism and the importance of considering environmental factors.

In this blog post (5), we will explore the key findings from twin studies and discuss the strengths and limitations of this research method. We will also examine how twin studies have contributed to our understanding of the nature vs. nurture debate.

The nature vs. nurture debate has always fascinated researchers, especially when it comes to the study of twins. Identical twins, who share 100% of their genetic makeup, provide a unique opportunity to examine how much of our personality, intelligence, and behavior is influenced by our genes (nature) versus our environment (nurture). When twins are raised together, apart, or even separated for part of their lives, researchers can investigate similarities and differences that point to the influence of genetics and upbringing.

A common assumption is that if identical twins raised apart display similar traits, it must be their DNA at work. After all, they have been exposed to different environments, so any shared traits are likely a result of their genes. Researchers have gone on to estimate that about 50% of the traits observed in these twins can be attributed to genetics, and the other 50% to their environment. In other words, it’s a roughly equal balance between nature and nurture.

Interestingly, studies have also shown that young identical twins have similar epigenetic markings—those chemical tags on their DNA that influence gene expression. However, as they age and their environments diverge, these epigenetic markings begin to differ. This suggests that while they start out with the same genetic blueprint, the environment plays a significant role in how that blueprint is expressed over time.

Image Credit: anthromania

The Complex Puzzle of Intelligence: Genes, Environment, and Everything in Between

Intelligence is one of the most fascinating and complex aspects of human nature. It shapes how we learn, solve problems, and adapt to changing environments. But understanding intelligence is no simple task, largely because there are many ways to define and measure it. At its core, intelligence generally refers to the ability to learn from experiences, reason, plan, think abstractly, and navigate complex ideas. However, figuring out what influences intelligence—whether it's nature, nurture, or both—has been a challenge for scientists for decades.

Measuring Intelligence: The Role of IQ

When it comes to studying intelligence, many researchers rely on a common metric: the intelligence quotient (IQ). IQ tests aim to measure certain aspects of cognitive ability, such as reasoning skills, problem-solving, and memory. However, IQ is only one way to assess intelligence, and it doesn't capture the full scope of what makes someone "intelligent." Still, because IQ tests are widely used and standardized, they have become a central tool in research on intelligence.

Is Intelligence Genetic?

The idea that intelligence might be "in our genes" has long fascinated scientists. To explore this, researchers have conducted a range of studies, including those on twins, adopted children, and entire populations. These studies try to determine how much of our intelligence comes from our genetic makeup and how much is shaped by our environment.

This is where things get more intriguing. As twins grow older, intelligence seems to become more heritable, meaning they become more similar to each other in terms of cognitive abilities regardless of their environments. Some studies estimate that about two-thirds of intelligence is attributable to genes, while the remaining third is shaped by environmental factors.

But are we truly observing pure genetic influence in these studies?

Recent research suggests we need to look deeper. A meta-study [1], which analyzed multiple twin studies, found that the phrase "raised apart" was often used quite loosely. In many cases, twins were raised together for a significant portion of their lives. Some had been separated after spending their first 8 to 11 years together, and even those who were "raised apart" often shared similar cultural, socioeconomic, and familial conditions. Some had even maintained contact with each other throughout their lives.

“The reader whose knowledge of separated twin studies comes only from the secondary accounts provided by textbooks can have little idea of what, in the eyes of the original investigators, constitutes a pair of ‘separated’ twins”—Evolutionary geneticist Richard Lewontin, neurobiologist Steven Rose, and psychologist Leon Kamin in Not in Our Genes, 1984

In one review of 121 cases where twins were reportedly "raised apart," only three were separated shortly after birth and only reunited as adults. The majority had been raised together for around 10 years before separation. On top of that, they shared the same prenatal environment, meaning the same early-life signals from their biological mother, which could have significantly shaped their development.

The Environmental Influence on Intelligence

This brings us to an important point: it’s difficult, if not impossible, to separate the environmental effects that begin even before birth. As epidemiologist David Barker points out, developmental plasticity—the ability of an organism to adapt to its environment during early development—has evolutionary advantages. The environment a fetus experiences in the womb can influence its development, allowing the baby to make short-term adaptations based on the "signals" it receives from the mother. For instance, if the mother experiences poor nutrition during pregnancy, the baby may develop a reduced body size and altered metabolism in preparation for a harsher environment with limited food after birth.

This plasticity allows for quick adaptations within one generation, meaning that the environment, even before birth, has a profound effect on how genetic traits are expressed. So, can we ever truly say that separated twins escape these early environmental influences?

The answer is no. Even before twins are born, they are shaped by the environment of the womb, the conditions their mother experiences, and the surrounding culture. This makes it incredibly difficult to draw a clear line between nature and nurture.

Conclusion: A Multifaceted Understanding of Intelligence

To bring this all together: while there may indeed be genetic propensities—traits or inclinations stored in the "Blueprint" of our DNA—their expression is highly dependent on a wide range of environmental factors. These can include toxins, pollutants, stress, education, culture, political conditions, and even the experiences a person undergoes over a prolonged period. Development doesn’t occur in a vacuum, and the environment constantly shapes how our genetic traits are expressed epigenetically.

In sum, the study of twins shows us that the old dichotomy of nature vs. nurture is too simplistic. It’s not just a matter of genetic predisposition versus environmental influence—it’s about how these two forces interact in complex and dynamic ways throughout our lives.


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